
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Partake in the Medical Mission to Peru - June 23 through July 1, 2014

When the St. Paul delegates traveled to Peru in June, Sr. Monica, director of St. Clare School, expressed a concern over the lack of health care in her community. Many families don’t make enough money to feed their families, yet alone, go to the doctor. One of her dreams...Provide basic medical treatment and physicals provided by a medical mission team.

St. Paul Parish is going to do just that. We’re going to make Sr. Monica’s dream come true. Our first medical trip to Peru will be leaving on June 23 and returning on July 1, 2014. Are you a healthcare professional such as a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist and would like to partake in a medical mission? It is not necessary for you to speak Spanish. We are also in need of bilingual translators. Interested?? Please email Miranda “Charlie” Spindt, PA-C, at

Besides medical professionals, we are in need of many volunteers to help plan this trip, write letters to outside companies asking for donations, packing, communicating with the students of St. Clare, and much more. Would you like to help? Please email Deb Passino at

“We never lose if we imitate Jesus, if we serve our suffering brothers”       
~ Pope Francis


We're Busy Spreading the Good News

St. Paul Parish and St. Clare School will be very busy over the next year establishing spiritual, cultural, and personal relationships with each another. This relationship will be fostered by frequent communication with letters, photos, and prayer intentions. Here are our goals:

1. Pray often for one another

2. Form a medical team and travel to St. Clare School sometime during the summer of 2014 (June, 2014)

3. Establish a pen pal program between St. Paul Parish and St. Clare School

4. Invite one early-childhood teacher from St. Clare School to travel to Genesee Depot so that our teachers can demonstrate some of their teaching methods

5. Collect and send supplies to St. Clare School (school supplies, medications, computers, etc.)

Are you interested in our new Peruvian Ministry? Do you speak Spanish? Are you in the medical field? Are you a good organizer? All people and skills are welcome!

Your help is really needed to make these things happen. Please email Deb Passino at if you are interested in helping or donating medical supplies for the trip.  
  How are we going to accomplish all of these things? Lord Jesus, may everything we do begin with you!


The Last of the Donations Have Finally Arrived in Peru!

In March, St. Paul’s collected medical and school supplies for St. Clare School in Peru. Many of the donations were taken to Peru in June, when our three delegates visited. However, there were many donations that couldn’t be taken due to luggage restrictions. The thirty clarinets, all the medications, and many of the heavier, bulkier, school supplies stayed behind.

In July, St. Anthony on the Lake had collected thousands of pounds of donations to send to their sister parish in Peru. They had some extra space and offered to send the five large boxes filled with the left-behind items. Thanks St. Anthony’s! This is the type of container they filled when sending their donations.

St. Monica shared some good news via email informing us that she received the five  boxes of donations. They were inspected by the Peruvian Customs personnel and she was grateful that their little fingers didn’t remove anything from the boxes. Thanks again to all of our donors.