
Thursday, May 5, 2016


Linda is new to the team going to Peru. This will be her first mission trip, and she is excited and a little fearful.  She is a retired RN with a BSN from Marquette University.  She has done telephone triage for a group of internists; she was employed by the Milwaukee Red Cross Homeless Outreach Nursing Center and worked with mentally ill clients in the homeless shelters including the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army, and on the streets and under the bridges.  This was her “dream job”, but after moving she became certified in parish nursing and worked for ProHealth for almost 9 years in three different churches and in the community at a meal site, the Hope Center (called CCWC then), and a childcare for children of W-2 moms, run by the Hope Center.

Linda has belonged to St. Paul Parish for 18 years and loves the parish and being involved in various ministries.  She is married for almost 46 years to the same man(!), Roger, and has 2 adult daughters, a son-in-law, and 2 precious grandchildren.  She is originally from Green Bay and is a huge Packer fan.  She likes to play the piano and organ at home and sing in the church choirs.  She also enjoys attending Marquette University basketball games, walking, reading, and going to the family cottage up north for swimming and boating. She requests prayers.  

1 comment:

  1. Linda,I know you'll be awesome in Peru! I am excited for you to meet Sisters Matilde, Monica, Paula, and Maribel. Looking forward to hearing your reflections.
