
Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Miranda "Charlie" Spindt has been a practicing Physician Assistant in Family Practice and Urgent Care for over twenty years. Her husband Marc and she will be celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary this year and have two great kids, Miranda, 16 and Nicolas, 12.

Miranda said, "Service to others is a passion that we share as a family and a lesson we hope to have instilled in our kids. We are blessed to be a part of a church that is so active in our community both locally and internationally."

This will be her second trip as the medical mission coordinator for the Peru outreach ministry. Charlie and Marc also serve as Eucharistic Ministers, Religious Education Youth Group Leaders and Pre-marriage FOCCUS facilitators. Miranda is also a volunteer medical provider with the St. Joseph's Medical Clinic in Waukesha which serves the homeless and the uninsured in need of medical services.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Charlie for your expertise! You are now an experienced mission team leader. Awesome!
