
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dirty Water to Drinkable Water

Monday, June 20th

Today I held the three classes for the families receiving the filters. Before it all started, I just wanted to get it over with. The last three days have been so much work and  it's been stressful. It turned out to be a little more work than expected because I had a few bumps in the road. None of the spigots on the systems were tight so I had to go back and tighten all of them. The holes I drilled also weren't big enough so I had to go back and make them bigger. However, I made it through these obstacles and it was all worth it when the families got the systems. 


They were all so amazed that the filters could purify the water, not just clean it. We told them that they could take any dirty water and it would still be safe to drink and all of them were just stunned. I remember one woman kept asking about what type of water could be used to purify and every time we told her that this can purify anything, she would be amazed all over again. Everyone was so grateful and that was when I knew all the stress and hard work was totally worth it and I would do it all again. 

Submitted by Miranda S.

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