
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Final Thoughts by Charlie

I'm currently on the plane heading back home to the reflecting on our time in Peru. After a long and exhausting week, I'm anxious to get back home to my family. However, personally, a little piece of me stays behind. I love the kindness, warmth and tenacity of the people of Paita. They have so little yet are grateful for so much and have and amazing faith in God and his care for them.  An example we can all learn from.

I first want to thank the Sisters of Santa Clara for giving us this opportunity to serve. They are relentless in their work. They work so hard to give their students and the community a sense of hope when honestly, it feels like there is none at times; an education that will hopefully prepare and take them to bigger and better things; make their lives happier and healthier with  our Medical Missions and Water Purification Ministry. Sisters Monica, Paula, Maltilde and Maribel are rock stars and super heroes and don't even know it. They inspire us. Thank you!

I cannot thank our team enough! It takes a special person to take the time away from their families and comforts of home to serve in such a capacity. To my fellow providers Dr. Rob and Cathy, PA, I could not have done this without you! Your professionalism, compassion and work ethic were ever present. Our ministry is truly blessed to have had you join us on this journey.

Charlie, Cathy, Catherine, Linda, Lisa (Front Row)
Dr. Bob (Back Row)
To Dr. Lisa and her lovely daughters Olivia and Lindsey, whom we lovingly referred to as the Weber Girls, thank you! Lisa is a Chiropracter but she took on the role of our Pharmacist and she didn't miss a beat! She may have another career waiting for her!  Olivia and Lindsey, who hope to be PA's in the future, both did an amazing job with any role I gave them. I would be proud to call you both my colleagues one day! Thank you!

Our professional nurses Catherine and Linda checked in patients, quickly triaged the urgent ones, kept things moving smoothly and warmly welcomed our patients. Catherine did double duty as a translator for Cathy. Thank you!

Then we have our special assistants, Emily and Elena. Young girls mature beyond their years who helped in any capacity and where I needed them. They helped with registration, fitting glasses, working with the parasite clinic, cooking, cleaning, running errands, helping with the water filters. What didn't they do? Your contribution was so helpful and we thank you.

Then there is Miranda. She was inspired to help with the water purification ministry by what she saw in Peru during her first trip there, seeing first hand the impact of poor water quality on the community. With the guidance and assistance of her advisor, our Deb Passino, Miranda was able to take this project on as her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. With Emily's help and Deb's guidance, she was able to assemble 50 water filtration systems which included instructions and supplies to maintain them. On Monday morning before we left, she taught three different groups of moms on how to use, clean, maintain and trouble shoot the filter systems. She also created a patient education handout that talked about how to recognize infection, how to prevent transmission of illness and food handling as well as how to sanitize water with bleach and iodine for those who don't have a filter. Those were also distributed to our patients in both the medical and parasite clinic. She also registered patients and worked the parasite clinic. Miranda, thank you and we are all proud of you.

Last but not least, I want to thank Deb Passino. Deb and I start the planning process a year in advance of these missions. She handles the so very important administrative and logistical side of things and I plan and coordinate the medical aspect.  Together, we get 'er done!!  While there, she takes very good care of the medical team by cooking us fabulous meals, makes sure we stay healthy and with anything else we may need to keep things running smoothly.  She is up early and stays up late every night. Her contribution is priceless. Thank you Deb!

Baked French Toast with Real Maple Syrup
Finally, I want to express thanks and gratitude to the family members of our team. We know you worry and take care of things at home alone while we are gone. It's not easy yet you support us in every way. Deb and I thank you, our parish thanks you and the people of Paita thank you!

Until next time Peru...



  1. I am so impressed with all of your willingness to serve others. I understand that you have also been giving the gift of clean water to families in Peru also, bravo!!

  2. Charlie, what an immense project you and Deb beautifully coordinated! Quite obvious you all were held close by The Spirit. And way to go Miranda! Going into 11th, correct(?), and SO competent!!!
